onsdag den 15. december 2010

The other day I went skipping, dumpster diving or in Danish, "skraldede", with some of my good friends. If you're not familiar with the term already, this is pretty much the basics: You find dumpsters where bakeries, super markets or whatever have thrown their food out. Mostly, nothing is wrong with the food - it has been sold thoughout the day in the store, but by night you can get it for free from the dumpsters.
It has a lot of benefits - obviously, it's free. It fights the overproduction of today's society, therefore it fights global warming. If you skip from a super market, you'll get a more diverse diet and get something you usually wouldn't buy. Plus, it's exciting everytime - "what are you gonna get?!"
I've been doing it for.. three years now and I still like it. I really don't think it's disgusting, it's only food.
Anyway, here are some photos from the other night. We found a lot of Danish pastry, as you might see!

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