torsdag den 31. marts 2011

The second year music students held a concert the other night - the concept was singing solo.
Some of the great songs:

A New Situation - Tina Dickow

Riverside - Agnes Obel

Lemon Tree - Fools Garden

Imagine - John Lennon

onsdag den 30. marts 2011

I found some good things in my mail box today

One more birthday, sunshine & cups of coffee.

tirsdag den 29. marts 2011

Some photos of me and my pigtails taken by Asta
We just started a project in my class - it's about blind portraiting everyone so we all can hang on the walls and look really strange. I'm really glad I introduced everybody to this, because it's quite fun to see how different people's blind drawing style is. These are some of the portraits a couple of my classmates did - I already posted the ones I've made for the project.

mandag den 28. marts 2011

I like these girls above.

søndag den 27. marts 2011

Asta la vista baby ♥
...fucking fantastic

Thank you!

lørdag den 26. marts 2011

Sunshine, silhouette, sweet.

Three blind drawn girls.

Playing motherfucking rounders!