mandag den 27. september 2010

Some photos I've taken of The Royal Danish Library in Copenhagen. Copyright SallyKamille.
There was a show called Pan Pot presented by Collectif Petit Travers - a French "circus" ensemble. It was absolutely fantastic. Halfway through it made me cry and I cried for the next hour or so. It was so emotional, beautiful, evocative, moving.
I honestly think that I have never experienced anything like this before. If you ever get the chance, you should go see them. It's incredible.
It was basically three men in dark suits, juggling with white balls. The show was accompanied by a grand piano. It was very simple - light, shadow, piano, three men and 600 balls.
Well, I can't get enough of it and I also took contact to one of them (IN FRENCH!!!) to tell about my experience. They're really sweet and working on a new project. I can't wait.